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Comparing cruises: Danube River vs. Rhine River

Our own personal experiences comparing cruises on two of Europe’s great rivers… At the end of our cruise in July, my family was talking about how our two river cruises compared: the Danube two years ago and the Rhine this ... [Read more]

Cruising the River Rhine!

Rhine River Cruise on the Avalon Felicity During the last week of July, we took an extended family trip on the Rhine River.  My parents, sister, and I had such a great cruise two years ago on the Danube, that ... [Read more]

The Paris Metro map that I saved on my iPhone...

Jen’s Random Travel Tips…

I thought I’d share with you a few random tips that I’ve learned while traveling all over the Europe. For iPhone users… In your Maps app….  If you pinpoint a location on your map while you are still in a ... [Read more]

Some of my packing essentials...

Jen’s Guide to NOT Overpacking

I have a problem. I’m an over-packer. I pack too much damn stuff every single time I travel. Okay, maybe not EVERY single time, but just about.  (I did a fine job last summer on my trip to Croatia going ... [Read more]

Seeking emergency medical attention in a foreign country…

Almost two weeks ago, I got to add a new experience to my list – going to the emergency room in a foreign country! Long story short, I had gone on an antibiotic when I was in Croatia a week ... [Read more]

Just about a month to go! Time to pack!

My Disney trip is a little less than a month away, and my Croatia trip is just over a month away.  Needless to say, I’m so freakin’ excited!!!!  Haha!  😀 I posted awhile back about putting things aside as I ... [Read more]

Apps for my iPhone…

Back in January, I jumped aboard the iPhone train, and haven’t looked back since!  I picked up my wonderful little 4S the day before my birthday, and I LOVE it!  (Seriously, I love it.  It literally synced up to my ... [Read more]

Travel and Fashion!

Okay, so after my big serious post summarizing my Europe trip (I’ve already been home for a week!), I thought it would be fun to have a light-hearted girly post about vacation clothes!!!  🙂 So, yes, that sentence might scare ... [Read more]

Culture Shock Part Two…

You knew I was going to remember a few things after my last post!   The first thing that comes to mind is restrooms.  Yup – that’s right.  If you want to pee over here and you’re not at home, ... [Read more]

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