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Jen and Milos on Main Street USA in Disney World

First Person POV Disney World Rides! (And other Disney World videos!)

Why not ride the rides vicariously via video?!  I’ve got ya covered! I have a few of the Disney rides recorded just for you from some of my trips! Here are the links.  Enjoy, and we’ll see you at Disney! ... [Read more]

Disney 2015 – New things to see and do!

Caroling season has been keeping us super busy, but I wanted to stay up late and write a blog post highlighting our 2015 trip to Disney World!  We got in our 9-day trip the week before Thanksgiving week, and despite ... [Read more]

What’s your favorite country in Epcot?

Because my mind often wanders to all things Disney on a regular basis, I recently pondered this question…   If I had to choose a favorite country in Epcot’s World Showcase, which would it be?   There’s so many wonderful ... [Read more]

Disney: All you need to know!

As we all know, Disney is what got me started as a travel agent to begin with.  I’ve been going almost my entire life and it continues to be wonderful, amazing, and magical every time I return.   Here are ... [Read more]

Disney World for Adults

Mention Walt Disney World to those who don’t regularly go, and they might immediately think of a place for children.  (Ah, Disney novices….) Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty for kids to do at WDW, but what some people ... [Read more]

A Princess and a Croatian Walk into a Bar… at Disney.

Well, it’s been a long time folks, but I’ve started a new Trip Report (TR) on the Disboards about our Disney trip back in November.  I’ll be updating it regularly, giving all the details of our fantastic trip!  (Learn all ... [Read more]

My Favorite Things!! – Disney edition!

Well, I know a lot of my Disney posts lately have been from the “giving information” standpoint.  I’ve given some of my opinions, but I’ve also mostly tried to write from the perspectives of various types of travelers and guests ... [Read more]

All kinds of changes with Fastpass in Disney World!

So I thought I’d write a quick update on the progress of the Magic Band / Fastpass+  situation down in Disney World. You can read about my experiences back in September here. But things are changing all the time.  Constantly. ... [Read more]

Jen as Tinkerbell at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!

How to Plan a Disney Trip…

So you’re thinking of going to Disney World…. Yay!  First, congrats on your excellent taste in destinations! But now what? Where do you start? What do you do? Fear not wayward traveler, for I am here to help you! For ... [Read more]

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