As of tomorrow, the countdown will be in the single digits. Three months apart almost over. To say I’m impatient is an understatement of colossal proportions. Miloš is finally off the ship, and home for about a week and a half until he gets here. Every time he video calls me now, I just want to jump through that freakin’ screen! It’s PMS time again, so I’m feeling extra emotional. Which usually means that I just cry more than normal. (As my regular readers are well aware of.) No bawlin’ my eyes out here tonight though, just a few tears of true genuine gratitude. What can I say… in a few days, I’m gonna be with the man who makes me more than happy. Elated, joyful, radiant, blissful – basically all those really good words in the dictionary that take happy up a notch. Up a LOT of notches!
I saw a post on Pinterest today…
“Love is not something you go out and look for. Love finds you, and when it does, ready or not, it’ll be the best thing to ever happen to you.”
Yup. It really did kind of start that way. And it just keeps on getting better and better.
Now, another day crossed off on the countdown calendar.
And I’ll fall asleep tonight knowing that I only have a few more nights of being alone in my bed before I’ll finally get to drift off with those big strong warm arms around me. Damn, I can’t wait.