Jennifer Graf-Domijan
Latest Posts
What ever happened to Christmas?
So…. many people will notice the big hole in my blog posting – there were posts up to November, then none again until well after the holidays. Many people will also know that yours truly owns and operates a Christmas ... [Read more]
Now that I’m a bit more into our “Oklahoma!” rehearsals, I’ve been making a strange observation… As singers, we often have issues with re-visiting a role many years later. Very often, bad singing habits can suddenly reappear when coming back ... [Read more]
Hi readers! I’m happy to provide a link to my Facebook fan page for all things Disney! It’s called Destination Mouse – Travel. I’ve got photos galore, and even some helpful articles about planning your Disney trip! Enjoy! (And ... [Read more]
Every day after waking up, my normal routine is usually to head straight to the computer – even before grabbing something to eat or shower. Maybe not the most noble habit – but I have so many email accounts to ... [Read more]
I’m sitting here tonight thinking about how well-behaved and cooperative my voice has been for me these last couple of weeks. Besides starting rehearsals for “Oklahoma!”, I haven’t had anything else on my singing plate – which, believe me, is ... [Read more]
“Why Disney?” How many Disney fans haven’t been asked this question? It seems that you will always have those people you run into that don’t get your love of Disney World. Maybe they haven’t been there before. Maybe they only ... [Read more]
My new CD is now up and available on CDBaby! You can find it now on and soon iTunes, Amazon, and many others!
Seeking my family history in Austria (From 3/13/10)
As many of you know, I am visiting Austria for some coachings at the Staatsoper, but have had some time to do some exploring and sight-seeing. My cousin Rachel has been with me for this first half of the trip ... [Read more]
As a brand new “blogger,” I’m still trying to figure this all out! Bear with me as the site may change visually on occasion as it goes through its “growing pains,” so to speak. My goal for this blog is ... [Read more]