Every day after waking up, my normal routine is usually to head straight to the computer – even before grabbing something to eat or shower. Maybe not the most noble habit – but I have so many email accounts to check every day that I like to keep on top of things from the very beginning of each day.
Well, I was greeted by a wonderful email from one of my clients that just got back from her first Disney trip. Before I could even reach out to her to see how her trip went, she had gotten in touch with me to tell me how fabulous it was! It just made my day and has put me in a good mood ever since. This client had taken her daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren – and she said the whole trip was perfect! In fact, she wants to go again this year!
We all know about my love of Disney. (I don’t exactly keep my feelings hidden on that one, do I? Haha!) But it makes me SO happy to help others have the wonderful experiences at Disney that I do! And I don’t even care if that sounds a little corny! I’ll revel in that corny Disney love!
You know, there are a lot more similarities between being a singer and being a travel agent than I ever thought of before. Both take a lot of work and TIME. More time than people outside these industries could ever imagine. I learned from an earlier age about just how much time was involved in becoming a good singer and performer, but I’ve since learned that there’s a great deal of time and work involved in being a travel agent.
But, in both instances, you’re helping others escape from the real world and giving them something to enjoy. You have the power to bring wonderful joyous experiences into people’s lives. I’ve been humbled by the wonderful comments I’ve gotten after singing in concerts and productions, and now I get a similar feeling when my clients let me know how wonderful their trips were – trips that I helped to make happen!
And here I thought that these two different paths I was one were worlds apart – turns out they’re right in sync with eachother!