The next day (Tuesday) was just kind of a chill day. We got some rest and then headed out to walk around at the Promenade Shops. (The shopping center where I had my part time retail job for the past few years.) Some of my friends at my store had been eager to meet Miloš, so I wanted to make sure we paid a visit. But first we stopped in and said hello to my friend Kristina, who works at one of the other stores in the center. She’s super cool and was very happy to meet Miloš in person! After that, we visited my store and he got to meet my dear friend Jordan. I always joke that Jordan was “Team Miloš” even before I was, as she had a suspicion that things were going to go a certain way even before I saw him in Vienna last February.
I had to be home to teach voice lessons before my 5:00 student got there, so we eventually headed home and Miloš relaxed while I taught for a few hours. Then later that night we went to see the movie “Lincoln.” Really good film, with excellent acting, but not good to watch if you’re tired, as there were a few slow spots.
The next day, we left in the afternoon and headed to Longwood Gardens with a brief detour through West Chester. I had gone to undergrad at WCU, and I wanted to drive through campus so Miloš could see my other alma mater. And this trip to Longwood was strictly for fun – no singing. For those not familiar with Longwood Gardens, here’s a link to the page on their site giving the history: History of Longwood Gardens. We walked around for a few hours enjoying the scenery and all the vegetation and holiday decorations. Here are some pics….
As the hours passed from the time the sun went down, we started getting cold and hungry. We weren’t really interested in anything that the cafeteria restaurant had at Longwood, and the nice sit-down restaurant there was booked up. So we decided to head back up towards West Chester. Before long though, we passed a Carrabba’s. Yeah, it’s a chain, but I’ve always had good food there. So we stopped in. Miloš REALLY liked the steak there, and my food was also great. (I can’t remember exactly what I got, but I think it was most likely something with seafood in it.) Originally, our after-dinner plan was to head into West Chester for a drink. But we were tired and decided to head home – we had a big day coming up!
Next up – THE BIG APPLE – Miloš’ first trip into NYC! 🙂