So for those of you who aren’t blog savvy, as the administrator of my blog site I have access to the site statistics.
What does that mean?
It means there’s a page that I can look at that tells me not only how many hits my blog gets, but where people are viewing from, how many views each entry gets, and what referring sites and searches send them to me. (Plus lots of other little details too!)
Here’s a screen shot of part of what I get to see when I pull up my stats page…
I love seeing all the different countries that are looking at my blog. (There’s that map obsession of mine again!) I often wonder if the hits from Austria are my friends who live there – looking at my blog – or possible tourists planning a trip to Croatia, or their own capital city of Vienna. When I see a lot of hits from the USA combined with Facebook as the primary referrer that day, well, I can pretty much figure that it was visited by a lot of people I know. I get a decent amount of views from Italy – probably because a good number of Italians like to cross the Adriatic and spend time in Croatia. I always like seeing France listed… ’cause I can tell it’s usually Miloš checking out my blog. (I think it’s super sweet that he reads my blog. 🙂 ) I’m sometimes puzzled and intrigued by some of the countries listed – wondering what made them stumble upon my blog. Is that viewer from Pakistan planning a vacation to Croatia? Or Austria? Or do they want to read about singing? Or how about the views from Korea or Algeria? Or Latvia… or Argentina… or Australia…
Here’s the last 30 days by country… (the full list of countries was too long to fit in a screen shot)
Now, I don’t get to see which page the person from a specific country is looking at – it’s not that specific. But the stats reset every night at midnight EST, so there was that one early morning where there was only one visitor from Canada, but 14 page views. It was pretty clear to see that someone in Canada was all about my blog at that moment. I also get to see what people click on from my blog – including which pics they click on to increase the photo size. Clearly one of the Saharun Beach researchers was enjoying looking at Miloš and I at the beach…
I’m finding that the last couple of months, the Saharun Beach entry is getting tons of traffic – because it’s viewed daily AND it shows up frequently as a search term. The Zadar entries and Disney entries also get a bunch of views.
Here’s a listing of some popular search terms from the past week…
Overall, it’s just really interesting to observe the statistical info for my blog daily. I always look forward to it! 🙂