Just some “deep thoughts” from yours truly. Some musings and things that I’ve learned that I’d like to pass on. For those who might have been the way I was awhile back.
I just want to say that life is crazy and will ultimately surprise you. And in really good ways. I think back to a few years ago, when I was jaded and cynical and thought the idea of love was a crock o’ shit. I had resigned myself to think it was all some fake schlock that was sold to us in movies and books and that none of it was really real.
Guess what? I was wrong. I’ll admit it. I can sit here and tell you in all sincerity that it IS real and it is out there and when you find it, it is the most wonderful thing in the whole world. I just needed the right person in my life to finally see it and know it and feel it. After being together for about a year and a half, I feel like I’ve finally let down my last wall, my last guard, my last doubt. (If you had my past, you’d understand why it might have taken me a bit long.) Are either of us perfect? Haha – of course not! But it doesn’t matter. I’m just my silly, dorky, nerdy girl self who trips on things all the time, and yet he makes me feel like I’m the most special and beautiful girl in the world. And I’m always catching myself laughing and smiling whenever we’re together. Damn, even Disney World doesn’t make me smile this much! I don’t care about all the obstacles the world has put in our way – I’ll keep jumping over them.
Why am I suddenly waxing poetic in this way? I’m just feeling really grateful, really lucky, and really happy right now. Plain and simple. So if you’re like the former me – all cynical and crap – don’t be. Hang in there and someday life will surprise you too. I always say, put good into the world and good will come back to you. I believe it so much. Give it a try – I promise you won’t be disappointed.
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