Imagine it.
You meet someone.
Someone who will change your life.
(Of course you didn’t know it at the time.
Or maybe you did. Maybe deep inside something told you that this was…. something.)
Anyway – it happens…
You fall in love.
The real deal.
The kind that’s like a million smiles, sunny days, and favorite songs all rolled into one.
The kind where you both feel loved even at your worst.
The kind that can withstand the worst PMS Mother Nature can dish.
The kind that keeps growing stronger.
It’s Happiness.
Every good adjective you could ever think of.
Being together is both a fevered intoxication and a favorite warm fuzzy blanket.
Togetherness. It’s all you want.
So Simple.
But you’re from different countries.
And there’s an ocean between them.
And countries don’t care about love.
They only care for their petty laws.
So you’re waiting.
For Bureaucracy.
Moving in perpetual slow motion.
While you’re forced to be away.
Having to keep traveling back and forth.
Always counting the days ‘til the next time.
Seeing something awesome and wishing the other was there to share it.
This thing.
That thing.
All things.
The pretty sunset, the stars in the sky, ducks, bagels, random inside jokes.
You have video chats over crappy wifi signals.
Screens that freeze at the most ridiculous times.
Fifteen second sound delays.
In that little screen in your hand…
That smile.
That voice.
That look.
That laugh.
What more could you ever want…
And you know that you’ll find a way.
A way over all the roadblocks.
All the hurdles.
The stupid obstacles.
You’ll clear them all.
Because love gives you wings.
And now you can fly.