I thought I’d do a quick post for some general updates.
First – something my FB friends already know – I didn’t get the gig.
This is the life of a performer – always more rejections than offers. That’s just the way it works. Yes, it totally sucks. But you kind of either have to get used to it, or get out of the business. It’s just unfortunate that I had to travel so far to actually get to this audition, only to feel the all-too-familiar rejection. But I’m trying to think positively – I got to enjoy a couple of lovely days in Vienna and see some of my friends while I was there as well. Everything happens for a reason, so perhaps there’s more to all of this that will play out in the future…
Second, I apparently picked up a nasty cold while I was there (my sore throat started on the plane ride home) and I’m having to take heavy duty cough medicine to keep from hacking up my lungs. I hate coughing this much. It’s SO bad for the vocal cords. So I’m now in full singer paranoia mode – not because I have anything coming up on my singing schedule, but because all this coughing is freaking me out with worry that I might be causing some kind of damage to my cords.
And I just wish that on this trip I could have made it over to France – and flown home from there. Even if I could have seen Miloš for a few hours, I would have considered it to be worth it. Sigh…
In the meantime, I’m back to my “normal” life in the States for now. Trying to keep busy while counting down the days until I get to head overseas again. Just two months to go until I get to see my handsome man again. My daydreams of late are all about us together in the warm sunshine by the lovely Adriatic Sea. I hope those two months fly by.