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Things I want to eat when I’m back in the USA….

This post is simple. There are things I want to eat back home in the States that I’ve been missing while being abroad all year.  You really can’t get them here.  I talked a little bit about this subject earlier in ... [Read more]

Missing you is all I do…

Miloš and I are in the middle of our longest stretch apart this year: three weeks.  I know that compared to the three month stretches we used to be forced to endure, three weeks is practically nothing.  But I can tell ... [Read more]

Hello insomnia, my old friend…

Hi all!  It’s 3:00am!  I’m laying in bed!  I’m awake!     Ugh.   Actually, I fell asleep early for a bit (due to my ongoing problem of falling asleep after 3:00am every night this past week), but then woke ... [Read more]

Can we all just be okay with being different?

(Heads up for my sensitive readers out there, I use some MILD ‘bad language’ in this post…)   In today’s modern world of complete multi-media infiltration, there has been a surge of people writing posts or articles about how other ... [Read more]

“Home” is not a place.

The choice of paths we take in life are not clear cut black and white, or right or wrong.  They’re all kinds of blurry and multi-colored.  One path is not the road of disaster and doom, while the other is ... [Read more]

Update: Traveling!

Hi all!   Sorry to be so MIA lately!  Miloš and I are traveling in Croatia right now, as he has his vacation from the ship for a few weeks.   I’ll be writing more later, but just wanted to say hello ... [Read more]

Stop and Smell the Awesome

Sometimes life gets the best of us and we end up giving in to negative feelings, or feelings of frustration and hopelessness.  As humans, we can often get stuck wallowing in our own sad sorry feelings for a little while. ... [Read more]

How I became a dual citizen…

Many of my regular readers will know that I started the process to dual citizenship during my time in Europe over a year ago.  (I mention it in some detail in THIS POST from last year.)  Those who are my ... [Read more]

A peak inside a long-distance relationship

In my opinion, I think few things are as misunderstood as long-distance relationships.  Throw in some extreme distances into the equation, and people just don’t know what to think.   So I thought I’d give my readers a little look into this ... [Read more]

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